
The constitution of the CT users group was agreed at the first meeting, and updated at the fourteenth meeting to reflect changes in the intervening years.


  1. NAME: The name of the group shall be the ‘CT USERS GROUP’

  2. AIMS: The group is organised for the purpose of enabling its members to discuss new developments, share expertise, discuss problems, advance knowledge, and to facilitate collaborative projects, in the fields of physics applied to X-ray Computed Tomography (CT).

  3. MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the group shall be open to all physicists, technicians, radiographers, radiologists and other professionals with an active involvement in the physics of x-ray CT. Applications for membership will be considered by the officers of the group. Membership of the group for commercial purposes is not permitted.

  4. OFFICERS: A Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Website Editor shall be elected by the members. The Chair and Secretary/Treasurer shall serve for two years and may not serve more than 4 consecutive years in the same post. The Website Editor shall hold a list of members. The Secretary shall be responsible for compiling minutes of each business meeting and informing the members of the business of the group.

  5. MEETINGS: The group shall hold scientific meetings to discuss matters of relevance to members.

  6. The constitution may be altered by a two-thirds majority of those present at a business meeting of the group. The quorum for a business meeting shall be 12 members. Notice of proposed changes to the constitution must be given to the chairmen at least one month before a meeting: the chairman must circulate the proposal to all members prior to the meeting.